We have great news to share!
4 of our products won prestigious awards at the Sip Magazine 11th Annual Best of the Northwest spirits competition!
We are the only distillery in Canada that got awards at this International Competition based out of Seattle, WA, and we are thrilled about the recognition!
In the category of “Brandy”, Silver went to our 2021 Aged Italian Prune (also called “Geeichte Zwetschge”, “Slibowitz”, or “Pflümli”),
and Judges Pick went to our “Lady of the Cask”.
Judges Pick in the category of “Liqueurs” was awarded to our Apricot Liqueur.
Sip Magazine is thrilled to announce the medalists of the 11th Annual Best of the Northwest spirits competition!
Put out across the Pacific Northwest, an open call for submissions brought in an amazing showing again this year.
The submissions were sampled blind and judged by a panel of the Northwest’s top palates made up of mixologists, beverage buyers, spirit writers, distributors and distillers. The top four medalists (platinum, double gold, gold and silver) and judges’ picks in each respective beverage category. Judges’ picks are awarded in the larger categories recognizing spirits that are the next highest ranking after the four medalists. The complete spirits results, including tasting notes for platinum winners, full list of judges’ picks and the winners from wine, beer, spirits, cider and seltzer will be released in the annual Collector’s Print Issue out in February 2023.
Our tasting room is now open by appointment only.
Until beginning of May 2023 we won’t offer tastings, but you can call to book an appointment: 250-493-0180.
We hope to see you out on the trails this winter!